Well as we are sure you have heard the news about merging the teams into 4 teams of North, South, East and West. This will help the team leaders and the teams get through the missions.
The teams have been absolutely amazing!!! We just wanted to get them running smoother for everyone and think that this will help immensely.
Please contact your team leader for more details. Now on to Mission 2 update. First lets review the mission as it has changed just a bit:
1. Get 30 posts on blogs, youtube, press or American Idol forums.
2. Get 2 videos in the system and approved for SHOW OFF
3. The facebook fan page to 3,300
4. The MySpace fan page to 1,900
Now here is were we are at:
FaceBook fans are at 2,841
MySpace fans are at 1,113
Now as for the posts... please don't be mad, but with all the things we have changed we tried to count the posts tonight and DL couldn't figure out what teams were North, South, East or West.
Team leaders please re-email us the links with your team division and we will post ASAP the results!
Now one last update. The prizes for mission one! We just got done getting the photos ready and will get the team leaders out the photos this next week. The Video thank you will be out as well!
Remember Mission 2 ends soon so get rockin'!
The Chapbros